Following unprecedented rain events experienced across Temora Shire and the Riverina, Temora Aviation Museum has decided to cancel the Aircraft Showcase event scheduled for Saturday October 1st.
Extensive flooding around the district has caused widespread damage to roads throughout the Shire. Currently parts of Temora Aerodrome are closed, and Temora Shire Council believes it is prudent to conduct analysis and testing of the runways and tarmac areas around the aerodrome to ensure pavements meet rated capacity and strength.
The Temora Aviation Museum fully supports Council’s proactive approach, and with more rainfall forecast for next week, the Museum believes this is the best way forward.
Recent activity by the engineering team has seen the Boomerang undergo its annual inspection in addition to major progress with the engine replacement for the Lockheed Hudson as the project nears its final stages. The Museum is open 10:00am to 4:00pm 7 days a week and visitors will have a chance to get a look at the initial Hudson engine runs in the coming week.