We are very excited to announce that the Museum has extended its opening hours to 7 days per week, 10 am to 4 pm.
This change in opening hours reflects the Museum’s growth over the past four years and as a result of visitor feedback we will open the additional two days to meet visitor demand.
New Museum hours: Open 7 days 10 am – 4 pm except New Years Day, Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

In May, the Museum acquired the world’s only airworthy Lockheed Hudson. In addition to current pilot Tony Alder, three additional pilots have received Hudson endorsements. Tony Alder trained Guy Bourke, Steve Death and Doug Hamilton to command this awesome machine. Gordon Glynn received training as 2nd crew.

We asked Guy Bourke what it was like to fly the Hudson, he said:
“Wow, what an honour and privilege to fly the only airworthy Hudson in the world! She is a delight to fly, reasonably heavy on the controls, but at the light weights we are operating at, she literally leaps off the ground! The Hudson is a fantastic addition to the (Museum’s) collection, and both Steve, Doug and I can’t wait to start flying her on flying weekends. Make sure you come out to see her fly!”